Wednesday 21 September 2011


The sun rises over the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The tomb is that of Queen Hapshetsut, an extraordinary woman who ruled Egypt from 1479 to 1458 B.C. and is famous today less for her 22 year reign of prosperity and peace during the golden age of Egypt's 18th dynasty than for having the audacity to portray herself as a man.

This is just an awesome photo and, as usual, needs to be enlarged for fine detail. I do not know the photographer because I picked it up long ago but the delicacy, the unusual positioning of the camera, the capture of the air balloons makes me think it might be Trey Ratcliff.

The original tomb was brightly painted and covered with highly maintained vegetation and was not as stark and plain as it seems today. The photo below is what those in the balloons above would be fortunate to view.

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