Sunday 8 May 2011


Please take time to read the commentary by DublinMick because, as usual, the dear old sod is absolutely correct.  (Sorry Mick but I had to call you SOMETHING!)  

Years ago I was intimately involved with a wonderful pure-spirited people of ancient lineage who celebrated Beltane in the ancient fashion; they were the furthest thing from satanists possible, often sacrificing their own lives in the process of fighting the darkness. 

My involvement with them and knowing them so well left me a bit confused about the satanic processes in the article below but Mick rather cleared it up for me to a great degree. However, the sacrificial aspect of announcing Bin Laden's death on May 1 is a connundrum because those in the know are fully aware of his death years ago.  

What I do not quite understand how merely announcing it can give the Illuminati power unless it is just their usual power-sucking method from the raised energy of the populace, even though their foolish and misguided ecstasy  is based on an international hoax/falsehood.

May 2nd, 2011
After the announcement of Bin Laden’s death, hundreds of people gathered in front of the White House chanting “USA! USA!” 
It is in times like these that a line is drawn between critical thinkers and those who get swiped by media crap-storms; 
Between those who understand the complexity of a situation and those who’d rather not know; 

Between those who comprehend the underlying motives of the elite and those who go outside chanting “USA! USA!”
On the evening of May 1st 2011, Barak Obama’s statement was one of triumph and celebration. He claimed that, with the death of Osama Bin Laden, “justice was served”.

The media spin following the announcement was equally as celebratory:
“It is a great day for America and the world”…

”The biggest piece of news since 9/11″…

”We’ll all remember where we were when we’ve heard this news”…
The entire “event” was artificially inflated, exaggerated and glorified.
Should the death of a man cause happiness and celebrations? 

Since when have we devolved into such a barbaric state? 

Because he perpetrated 9/11? 

Did he also cause the Building 7 to implode? 

Damn you Osama and your team of engineers!

I will spare you the entire “9/11 was an inside job” speech, as I know most of this site’s readers are all too aware of it.

In this case, why should we care if Ben Laden is dead or not?
Is he really dead?
Did he die nine years ago?
Who really knows?
We’re living in an era of artificial, fully staged, media-generated events.
Why was Bin Laden’s death announced on the evening of May 1st?  

Because it was the required sacrifice of the “most magical time of the year”, which was launched with the Royal Wedding.


A wickerman burned May 1, 2004
May 1st, or May Day, was considered by several cultures to be an important holiday, especially in occult circles due to celestial alignments. In Illuminati lore, it is regarded as the second most important day of the year. In fact, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st 1776.

In Europe, it is called the Beltane festival, an ancient Gaelic celebration of sexuality, fertility…and blood sacrifices.
“Supposedly, animal sacrifices would be made each Beltane to ensure the fertility of their crops, however, every five years the Highland Celts would sacrifice humans, the numbers being made up of convicted criminals and prisoners of war. They would be sacrificed by the Druids, though the manner of their death would vary. Many were supposedly shot with arrows, but descriptions of Gaulish Celt ceremonies have them being burnt alive in huge wicker men.” ~ Source
The origins of the Beltane festival can be traced back to the celebration of the Sumerian God Enlil ~ who is known to us as Baal. The name Beltane (pronounced “B’yal-t’n”) is said to originate from the word Baal. Celebrations of the Beltane festival are very similar to ancient rituals celebrating the ancient god. The mysterious similarities between these seemingly distant cultures could be the subject of an entire article. 

One thing is for sure: 
Baal is an important figure in Illuminati lore.

“In Middle-Eastern lore, Baal was killed and descended into the underworld, whereupon he was returned to life by the powers of his sister-lover, Anat. Baal is thus associated with the seasonal cycles and the coming of spring and crops. This was reflected in Beltane festivals, which culminated with the symbolic marriage of the Winter God and Spring Goddess (or King Winter and Queen May). 

Queen May, in the festivals, was a mother earth figure. The word Baal means lord or husband. In the mating of King Winter and Queen May, earth and sky were joined, and fertility and life were symbolically rekindled in animals, people, and nature.” ~ Jane Adams, The Selected Papers of Jane Adams
“Through analogy and through the belief that one can control or aid the powers of nature by the practice of magic, particularly sympathetic magic, sexuality might characterize part of the cult of the Baals and Ashtarts. Post-Exilic allusions to the cult of Baal Pe’or suggest that orgies prevailed. 

On the summits of hills and mountains flourished the cult of the givers of increase, and “under every green tree” was practiced the licentiousness which was held to secure abundance of crops. 

Human sacrifice, the burning of incense, violent and ecstatic exercises, ceremonial acts of bowing and kissing, the preparing of sacred cakes (see also Asherah), appear among the offences denounced by the post-Exilic prophets; and show that the cult of Baal (and Ashtart) included characteristic features of worship which recur in various parts of the Semitic (and non-Semitic) world, although attached to other names.” ~ W. Robertson Smith and George F. Moore, Baal
Ancient beliefs and rituals are an intricate part of today’s Illuminati’s occult practices. As their symbolism and modus-operandi are slowly infused into society, their previously secret rituals are now conducted on a mass scale. The masses become clueless participants of their occult festivities, not knowing they actually adding their potency.


The Mujahideen were recruited and formed in the late 70′s by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the United States National Security Advisor of Jimmy Carter.  Brzezinski is today Obama’s main policy advisor. 

The military group was trained by the United States in order to repel Russian forces from Afghanistan. Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight the Communists andthe Taliban are a by-product of this US created movement.

Since the fall of the USSR, Bin Laden and his Taliban served a new agenda: providing an excuse for the invasion of key middle-eastern countries under the guise of a “war on terror”.
In 2001,
about 15 minutes after the second plane hit the WTC,
the image of Bin Laden was shown on television.
He was the ideal patsy on who to blame the attacks and the perfect boogey-man to scare the American people. This scapegoat allowed the unquestioned invasion of Afghanistan, of Iraq. He even facilitated the enactment of the aberration called the Patriot Act.

In 2011, Bin Laden’s usefulness to the Agenda had run its course.

Furthermore, the Obama administration needed an exploit to boost its poll ratings until the next elections. Consequently, in a classic combination of occult rituals with pragmatic politics, the death of Bin Laden was announced on May 1st 2011 with triumph and jubilation. 

Through CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX, millions of viewers rejoiced at the death of man in the same matter ancient peasants rejoiced at the offering of human sacrifices to Baal. 

In a dumbed-down, politicized and “Illuminati-sed” version of the Beltane Festival, the masses have celebrated the ritual sacrifice of a man and, without even realizing it, partook in one of the Illuminati’s most important holidays.

Beltane Fire Festival, May 1st

Hooray Osama is dead! May 1st.

1 comment:

  1. Now don't you get mad at me, I would be very upset if you took this the wrong way. However as the stubborn type as you very well know I am.

    That source is a British source by the way so in effect it is comparable to the bin dead myth.

    The cuneiform tablets which is the only source we have to go on as they are our oldest written records say no such thing as Enlil is Baal. That is myth from internet experts on the subject. There were twelve genotypes created by the Nefilim and the Baal worshippers were the tribe of Japheth representing Noah.

    All the ancient cultures are descendants of the Nefilim and they are not Baal worshippers for the most part. They include the aborigines, native americans, east indians, Chinese etc etc. who were never Baal worshippers. In fact the Chinese see him as an incarnation of Gabriel.

    This festival was celebrated by most all of the natural world people and it represented fertility, birth, death and rebirth as well as tilling and planting. It goes all the way back and further to King Arthur and Merlin. The final celebration of the agricultural year is lughnasadh, the feast of the god Lugh and the first fruits of the corn harvest. Lughnasadh is celebrated July 31,August the first. In Scotland, the first stalks of corn are called "John Barleycorn", of course, and were used to make the first beer of the fall season. Now, John Barleycorn refers to that greatest of Scots drinks (many distilleries are closed for August, reopening for the fall whisky-making season on September.

    The satanists take the history of all natural people and claim it for themselves. They twist it make it appear nasty, there are always references to sacrifice because that is their thing. I would say the majority of the world believes this type thing. When we accept it as gospel we help them further trod over the truth.

    It could be compared to 1000 years from now someone picking up a copy of santa Klaus or a satanic manual and declaring all of the Americas was a devil worship society, discovering a barbeque pit at Chaco canyon and declaring the Anasazi sacrificers, declaring those who celebrate easter as obviously blood drinkers due to the same holiday connection as satanic holidays.

    The Tibetans freely admit a dark society exists in their part of the world which kidnaps young girls and children for sacrifice but evidence of it will not mean the Potala someday should be considered a devil cult should it be discovered. There are kidnappings going on in Canada, the U.S. and all over the world but it does not mean the majority of the population had such values. The people behind the curtain would no doubt offer it as evidence of the triumph of satan however.

    We all must believe what we must believe but I would suggest the Popul Vuh. The indians actually adore these people called the Annunaki and say they came in flying ships from the stars and the the Sun God left his own sons among them to teach them. They were quite happy with that. In fact they helped them build great temples such as the temple of jupiter and Cuzco, some with stones that weigh 800 tons we have no machinery to lift today.

    You are one of my favorites as you know, but I had to mention this. You don't miss many but the dark ones have you buffaloed here. It is a deep subject not only requiring extensive reading but reading the right books and talking to the right people.

    This comes up so often I have my own file on it.


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